Reformed and Catholic
A traditional Anglican church with a heart for the world God lovesQ
It is Biblical.
Our faith is anchored in the authority of the Holy Bible. The Book of Common Prayer we use today was first produced at the time of the Reformation, with the intent that it should draw heavily from the Bible. Many of the prayers in it are derived from the Bible, we read from the Scriptures each week, and our sermons are always Biblical.
It is Sacramental.
The Sacraments connect us with God in a mystical and powerful way, both communicating to us God's favor and imparting to us a spiritual gift of grace. Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, marriage, Confession, and even anointing with oil, are sacraments that heal and change us. Sacramental churches believe that there is a real inward and spiritual grace given with these things.
It is Liturgical.
The word "Liturgy" refers to a form of prayer and worship offered in service to God that is common to a group of people. In a way, every church has some sort of liturgy, the question is if it bears any resemblance to what the early Christians knew. Our liturgical tradition is ancient. A good liturgy reinforces Christ-centered prayer, sound doctrine, and spiritual formation. The Book of Common Prayer preserves the ancient forms of worship common to all early Western Christians.
It is Mystical.
God is a great and profound mystery, in Latin "Mysterium Tremendum". This means that God is beyond our ability to rationally take Him all in. He is far beyond us, and yet He has made Himself known to us in His Son, Jesus. But how can we worship God and perceive him with words alone? Classical Christian Worship enters this great mystery with ritual, ceremony, symbols, smells, sights, sounds, words, all to conveying together what words alone cannot express. Classical worship is richer and more human than much of what passes for music today.
Anglican Church of America |
We are a parish of the Anglican Church in America (ACA) and a member of the Diocese of the Northeast . The ACA is a Province of the worldwide Traditional Anglican Communion, which is in over 40 countries.
The Anglican Church of America, as part of the Traditional Anglican Communion worldwide, is one of several Anglican jurisdictions intent on preserving orthodox teaching, Our mission is to preach the saving gospel of Jesus Christ and continue to practice and believe as it has been handed down in the English tradition of orthodox and apostolic Christianity. |