Goings On. |
News and Events at
Trinity Anglican Church |
A traditional Anglican church with a heart for the world God lovesQ
Goings On. |
News and Events at
Trinity Anglican Church |
![]() We are so excited to announce our CHURCH PICNIC on Sunday, June 25th. Please make sure you RSVP for this event to Alice Snow at - alice(dot)riches(dot)snow(at)gmail- by Sunday, June 18th. Remember to include the number of people that will be attending! Sign-up sheets are located in the Narthex. Please plan to bring a side dish to share. The Church will be providing Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Buns, Tomato, Onion, Lettuce, Cheese, Condiments and Drinks. The St. Anne’s Guild will be providing a dessert as well. Help us share in fellowship with one another by providing a requested side as listed on the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. We will be having this year’s picnic on the field between the rectory and the church. We are hoping that some members of our Parish have some shade structures/canopy that we can borrow for this event. If you do, please sign-up or simply bring one to set-up on Saturday, June 24th at 9am. Thank you in advance! Please come and help us set-up for this event on Saturday, June 24th at 9am. We will need to move tables, chairs and put up shade structures prior to our event so we can spend the time we have with each other. Finally, we would love to meet your friends. please share this invitation with them and bring them along! We hope to see you all there. All the best, Trinity Anglican Church Vestry & St. Anne’s Guild
![]() Re4m Seminar: An empowered Life: Pentecost and the Church in the World Saturday, June 10th, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Why did Jesus tell his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit even though they had already gone on a preaching expedition before Jesus' death and resurrection? What are the charisms deposited in the church and what are they for? What separates an authentic spiritual experience from a dangerous one? How can we share our faith in a sincere and natural way? This seminar will answer these questions. Fr. Mirabile has been an evangelist and missionary since 1982, when, in NYC Grand Central Station he started evangelizing. He carried an 8' cross weekly through his home town sharing his faith, and has been an evangelist in Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Germany, and East and West Africa. He has engaged thousands of people in conversations about Christ and the Christian faith. Learn about what it means to have a life empowered by the Holy Spirit and know that God can use you too. ![]() Easter was an absolutely amazing event this year with a greater turn out at each service than anyone had seen in years. We had a packed house at the second service. One long-time parishioner was literally tearing after the soaring service, commenting that it was the best Easter service ever. What made it so special? The spirit of our people made it special. When people want to be in church and want to worship God that is always going to be felt. Occasional visitors. visiting family and new and old members turned out with enthusiasm, We began the celebration with the lighting of the Pascal Candle, the blessing of the Baptismal waters and the aspergesis - which is the sprinkling of the entire congregation, up and down each isle - with Holy Water. The choir performed at both services too. The second service also included the aspergesis, and incense. There was something truly Holy about the experience. Our Choir Master, Carlos Martinez invited visiting brass players and vocalists, including His daughter who did a soaring performance during Communion! It was a beautiful service followed by some snacks and deserts.. Our can see more photos on our photo page here. No sooner were we past Easter that we had an Episcopal visit from our Bishop Brian Marsh. He came at the end of April to perform confirmations and this was followed by a great luncheon with lots and lots of food. Confirmands this year were two adults and two boys. The Bishop attempted to catch them with his “trick question”, but (with some prompting) they all passed the test! As always, it is wonderful to have the Bishop visit our parish. He was pleased to see many new faces and a great sense of optimism in the air. ![]() Our parish is comprised of many veterans - Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy. And if we have not personally served there are others whose family eboot embers have served our country. Our parish supports our service men and women and feel strongly about veterans affairs, as well as our first-responders. Last September, in order to express this commitment to our service members we decided that we would look to make a difference. At that time Fr. Mirabile learned about Reboot Combat Recovery. he then asked Kathy Lewis, whose father was a Navy veteran, to do some research into bringing the program here. Last March saw the start of Reboot Combat Recovery here at Trinity. Ours is the first group to offer Reboot in the North East, something for which we are very proud. Reboot is a 12 week combat trauma healing course intended to heal the spiritual and moral wounds of combat. Eight men attended the course and it will finish at the end of May with a graduation. Each week we served food to our program participants, provided child care when it was necessary, watched the video, and discussed the chapter in the provided workbook. Fr. Matt led the discussions, which, at times were deep and very meaningful. Men remembered experiences that they had trouble forgetting, worked through the roots of trauma, and dealt with false guilt. We also built friendships. And while the program is for veterans, one man who participated in the program because of his work with veterans was not himself a veteran but had experienced his own trauma with stage four cancer. He also found the program to be deeply meaningful. Our graduation is June 1st, at 7:00 pm and anticipate a good turn out of friends and family. Next Fall we will offer Reboot again, and we are already getting calls from people interested in attending. If you are interested in attending a Reboot Course please give us a call. |