"To keep close to Jesus Christ and draw others closer!"
Trinity is an evangelically minded church that is rooted in historic Christianity. We are passionate about bringing people into a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ and as Anglicans, committed to the Holy Scriptures as the standard of our faith. And we have strong convictions about our place in the world. We are not anti-science, but are informed enough to think for ourselves. We are not captured by any state or ideology besides Christ's Kingdom. Our values align, as best as we can discern, with the culture of heaven. Neither are we so bold to think that we can figure it all out on our own, so we listen to the Christians that have gone before us.
Trinity is growing, but not driven by "church growth" metrics and methods. We think that leads to compromises in the Faith while also leaving people spiritually weakened. However, we know that real growth is the result of a living and vibrant faith, nurtured by biblical preaching and engaged pastoral care. We are focused on solid Christian formation, providing religious instruction that will guard and sanctify the soul. More than anything else, we try to be a church that walks with Jesus, is filled with the Holy Spirit, and meets the world with the healing love of God.